Monday 26 January 2015

The general characteristic and economic importance of family apiaceae

The general characteristic and economic importance of family apiaceae
1.       The Apiaceae is synonym of
a)    Umbelliferae             b) Asteraceae                    c) Brassicaceae                  d) Malvaceae
2.       The flower of family Apiaceae is
a)      Complete                    b) perfect                            c) imperfect                       d) a & b
3.       This family contain
a)      2,700 sp.                      b) 3,000 sp.                         c) 3,700 sp.                          d) 4,700 sp.
4.       Inflorescence of family Umbelliferae
a)      Simple                          b) compound                     c) compound umbel       d) a & c
5.       The flower of Apiaceae
a)      zygomorphic              b) hermaphrodite            c) Actinomorphic              d) b & c
6.       Mostly plant habit
a)      herbs                            b) shrubs                             c)rarely trees                     d) a & c
7.       there are about ________ genera
a)      500                                 b) 300 or ~300                    c) 200                                    d) 400
8.       Plant contain ___________leaves
a)      Opposite                     b) alternate                        c) whorl                                d) none of this
9.       The seed have Endosperm in family_________.
a)      Cucurbitaceae           b) Malvaceae                     c) rananclaceae                 d) none of these
10.   Leaves are
a)      Finely Pinnate           b) sometimes palmate c) rarely simple                 d) all of these
11.   Ovary
a)      Bicarpellary                 b)syncarpuos     c)bilocular           d) inferior            e) all of these
12.   Flower some time
a)      Unisexual                    b)hermaphrodite             c) actinomorphic              d) small
13.   Androecium
a)      Epigynous                   b) bilobed                           c) small                                 d) none of these
14.   The members of family are used as fodder of animals.
a)      Heracleum spp.        b) angelica spp.                c) a & b                                 d) none of these
15.   Which family, plant contain volatile oils and resins.
a)      Malvaceae                                  b) Solanaceae                    c) Apiaceae                         d) graminae
16.   The family member which is poisons
a)      Cuminum                    b) conium                            c) foiniculum                      d) Oenathe
17.   Which member of family apiaceae is more or less narcotic in its effect?
a)      foiniculum                  b) conium                            c) Oenathe                         d) Cuminum
18.   Hydrocotyle (Brahmi) is useful for
a)      Brain                              b) eyes                                                 c) skin                                   d) digestive system
19.   Following member are used as drug for
a)      Skin disease               b) digestive disorders    c) injuries                            d) none of these  
20.   Cuminum (zira) belongs to family
a) Apiaceae                        b) Solanaceae                    c) Malvaceae                     d) graminae
21.   Medicinal herbs are 
a) Daucus                            b) Apium                             c) Oenathe                         d) both a & b
22.   usually flowers are
a)      incomplete                    b) syncarpous     c) pentamerous      d) brecteate             e) both c & d
23.   floral formula of apiaceae

a)           ,         , K5, or C5, A5, G (2)          
b)           ,               K5, or C5, A5, G (2)

c)           ,         , K5, or C5, A5, G (2)           d)           ,         , K5, or C5, A5, G (2)
24.   calyx is absent in
a)      Foeniculum vulgare                                b) Aorun cari      c) Dauccus carota            d) Centella asiatica
25.   The plant commonly found in
a)      Aquatic         b) terrestrial       c) temperate region       d) woody lands

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