Thursday 22 January 2015

Evolution of Leaf

                             Topic:  Evolution of Leaf    

      Bold options are right one
1.      Leaves formed in the Devonian period of ….. Million years ago.
(a)    ~ 360 – 400      (b) ~ 130      (c) ~ 425      (d) ~250
2.      Earliest land plants appeared ……. million years ago.
(a)    ~ 360 – 400      (b) ~ 130      (c) ~ 425      (d)none
3.      The earliest land plant that did not produce leaves….
(a)   Cook sonia        (b) Rhynia      (c) fern       (d) both a & b
4.      Early leaves were little more than flaps of tissue, were reported in plant…
(a)    Lycopodium        (b) Selaginella  (c) fern          (d) a & b
5.      The leaf-like structures on non-vascular bryophytes are not true leaves.
(a)   True leaves        (b) not true leaves       (c) fronds leaves        (d) none
6.      The leaves are produced only by…..plants.
(a)   vascular       (b) non vascular    (c) bryophyte  (d) all
7.      A model in which leaves are derived from planar tissues forming between and fusing together adjacent branches is called….
(a)   Tunica theory     (b) telome theory    (c) megaphyll theory  (d) webbing origin
8.      Leaves with a single vascular strand are known as…
(a)   megaphyll     (b) Microphylls      (c) Saporophylls    (d) mesophylls
9.      The larger leaves were first observed in plant……
(a)   Ferns       (b) mosses        (c) Rhynia         (d) both a & b
10.  On Evolutionarily base distinct types of leaves are……
(a)   4                      (b) 3                 (c) 2             (d) 1
11.  The tiny leaves that surround the meristem are called….
(a)   leaf primordial        (b)  apical shoot        (c) apical meristem      (d) b & c
12.  The small leaves are Associated with……..
(a)   stem         (b)apical meristem           (c) eustele                  (d) protosteles
13.  The larger leaves are Associated with………..
(a)   stems        (b)apical meristem        (c) eustele        (d) protosteles
14.  Leafs Began as small scale like or spine like outgrowths called…….
(a)   enations       (b) venation          (c) horsetails      (d) a & b
15.  Enation theory of leaf origin was purposed by……
(a)   Zimmerman       (b) bower      (c) wittaker           (d) Ernst Hakel
16.  Which one theory was purposed by Zimmermann……..
(a)   Enation        (b) venation        (c) telome        (d) none
17.  According to Zimmermann the development of megaphyll take place by……
(a)   Overtopping       (b)webbing       (c) planation     (d) all
18.  Enation theory is related to the origin of…..
(a)   Microphylls         (b) megaphyll      (c) stem         (d) all
19.  It is observed that high trees rarely have leaves……
(a)  Large  (b) small    (c) complex        (d) both a & b
20. Trees that grow in…… regions have pointed leaves.
(a)   Desert        (b) aquatic          (c) temperate  (d) subtropical
21.  In vascular plant sporophytes, leaves are lateral appendages that share…
(a)  Two        (b) four         (c) six          (d) none
22.  In lycophytes, three competing hypotheses propose evolution of the leaf (‘microphyll’):
(a)   1        (b)2        (c) 3            (d)4 

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