Thursday 22 January 2015

Life Cycle of Angiosperms

bold options are correct
Life Cycle of Angiosperms

Ø  The angiosperm plant is
(a)Sporophyte (2n)       (b) Sporophyte (n)        (c) Gametophyte           (d) None of these
Ø  The reproductive structures in angiosperms are
(a)Leaf                            (b) Carpels                            (c) Flower                 (d) Stamens
Ø  The highly modified reproductive  leaves are
(a)Stamens and carpels       (b) Microsporophylls and megasporophylls  (c) Both a &b  
(d)Sepals and petals
Ø  Each microsporophyll consist of
(a) 3 parts                      (b) 2 parts                           (c)1 part                    (d)None of these
Ø  Each anther lobe contains
(a) 8 microsporangia                     (b) 10 microsporangia                                                                                                                             (c)2 microsporangia                                     (d)4 microsporangia
Ø  The inner most layer of sporangium wall is nutritive in nature and called as
(a)Endoderm                       (b)Mesoderm                    (c) Tapetum                    (d)Ectoderm
Ø  The microspores germinate to produce
(a)Sporophyte                           (b) Gametophyte                                (c) Female gametophyte                                                      
(d)Male gametophyte
Ø  The outer layer of microspore is thick,cuticularized and called as
(a)Exine                             (b)Intine                        (c) Tapetum                                (d)Ectoderm                 
Ø  The inner layer of microspore is thin and called as
(a)Ectoderm                     (b) Exin                          (c)Intine                                   (d)Endoderm                   

Ø  Each megasporophylls consist of
(a)2 parts                           (b)4 parts                             (c)3 parts                        (d)5 parts
Ø  The stigma is the receptive disc and receive
(a)Spores                             (b)Pollen grains                        (c)Seeds                (d)none of                  these                                              
Ø  The ovary contains one or more rounded or oval bodies the
(a)Ovules                              (b) Seeds                            (c)Spores                      (d)Egg
Ø  The ovules are born on the ovary wall upon a specialized tissue,the
(a)Placenta                           (b)Nucellus                               (c) Both a and b                      
(d)None of these
Ø  Each ovule is attached to the placenta through a short stalk,the
(a)Chalaza                              (b) Funicle                           (c)Filament                     (d)Stalk
Ø  Nucellus represents mega sporangium  ,therefore the ovule is also termed as
(a)Integumented mega sporangium                      (b) Microsporangium
(c)Mega spore                           (d) none of these
Ø  A nucellus cell enlarges in size and act as
(a)Microspore mother cell                     (b) Megaspore mother cell                           
(c)Microspore                           (d) Megaspore
Ø  The gametophyte phase of angiosperm  is
(a)Diploid                        (b) Triploid                             (c) Haploid               (d) none
Ø  The microspore is the first cell of
(a)Male gametophyte                  (b) Female gametophyte                     (c) Sporophyte
Ø  The intine grows out through germ pore to form
(a)Germ tube                                  (b)Pollen tube                                       (c)Pollen grain
Ø  The megaspore is the first cell of the
(a) Male gametophyte                   (b)Sporophyte                        (c)female gametophyte
Ø  The part of axis above the point of attachment of cotyledon is
(a)Hypocotyle                     (b) Epicotyle                   (c) Coleorrhiza
Ø  The ripened ovary is called as 
(a)Seed                             (b) Fruit                             (c) Stem                          (d) Leaf
Ø  The female gametophyte is represented by embryo sac which is
(a) 6 nucleate                   (b)7 nucleate                      (c) 8 nucleate                 (d)10 nucleate
Ø  The fertilized egg secretes a thick wall and is transformed in to
(a)Oosphere                      (b) Oospore                       (c) Zygote                        (d) None
Ø  Plumule which develops in to

(a)Root                               (b)shoot                             (c)Apex                            (d) None

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