Thursday 22 January 2015


Bold options are correct

1. In which of the following group would you place a plant which produces spores, has vascular tissue and lacks seed
a) Algae
b) Pteridophyte
c) Bryophyte
d) Gymnosperm
2. According to the available fossil record, which of the following are the first vascular plants
a) Horsetails
b) Cycads
c) Lycopsids
d) Psilophytales
3. Most primitive living vascular plants are
a) Brown algae
b) Sphagnum
c) Ferns
d) Cycads
4. A fern differs from moss in having
a) An independent gametophyte
b) An independent sporophyte
c) Presence of archegonia
d) Swimming antherozoids
5. Spore bearing leaf is called
a) sorus
b) indusium
c) ramentum
d) sporophyll
6. Prothallus represents
a) gametophytic phase in a fern
b) sporophytic phase in a fern
c) gametophytic phase in a gymnosperm
d) gametophytic phase in a angiosperm
7. Branching which is shown by sporophyte plant body
a) dichotomous branching
b) monopodial branching
c) both a & b
d) none of these
8. The structure that produce gametes in the Prothallus are
a) anthers and archegonia
b) ascogonium and anthers
c) antheridia and archegonia
d) none of these
9. Pteridophytes are also called
a) phanerogams
b) vascular cryptogams
c) amphibians of the plant kingdom
d) spermatophytes
10. The dominant sporophyte in Pteridophyte is
a) haploid
b) gametophytic
c) diploid
d) triploid
11. In Pteridophyte, reduction division occurs when
a) spores are formed
b) gametes are formed
c) Prothallus is formed
d) sex organs are formed
12. Most primitive fossil of pteridophytes is
a) psilotum
b) tmesipteris
c) both a & b
d) rhynia
13. In plant life cycle, which of the following sequence is correct
a) sporophyte,mitosis,spore,gametophyte
b) spores,meiosis,gametophyte,mitosis
c) gametophyte,meiosis,gamates,zygote
d) zygote,sporophyte,meiosis,spores
14. In pteridophytes, small leaf with single mid vein are called
a) microphyll leaf
b) megaphyll leaf
c) legule
d) none of these
15. According to Fritsch (1945), pteridophytes came from
a) green algae
b) brown algae
c) erect parenchymatous algae
d) both a & b
16. Sporophyte is independent of gametophyte in
a) bryophytes
b) pteridophytes
c) angiosperm
d) gymnosperm
17. According to Bower's enation theory the microphyll originated from the naked axis as
a) enation
b) superficial lateral outgrowth
c) reduction from lateral branch
d) both a & b
18. According to the anthocerteon theory the sex. organ of pteridophytes embedded in
a) gametophyte
b) sporophyte
c) anthteridia
d) archegonia
19. The conducting tissues xylum and phloem are not found in cryptogams
a) algae
b) bryophytes
c) both a & b
d) pteridophytes
20. In pteridophytes, definite adventitious root system is present only in
a) selaginella
b) rhynia
c) tmesipteris
d) isoetes
21. Heterospory is found in almost all types of pteridophytes except
a) gaint horsetail
b) selaginella
c) marselia
d) isoetes
22. According to Zimmermann, successive phenomena that involve in the development of megaphyll leaf
a) overtopping
b) planation
c) webbing
d) all of these
23. In pteridophytes, sporophytic plant body consist of
a) foot,seta and capsule
b) root,stem and leaves
c) adventitious roots
d) rhizoids
24. when gametophyte is free living and not enclosed by the spore wall it will be termed as
a) exosporic
b) endosporic
c) heterospory
d) both a & b
25. Heteromorphic alternation of generation is the common characterstic feature of
a) angiosperm & gymnosperm
b) pteridophytes & gymnosperm
c) angiosperm & pteridophyte
d) none of these


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