Thursday 22 January 2015

Evolution of flower

Topic: Evolution of flower
1.      The first fossil of true angiosperm flower was found.
a)128million year  b) 125million year  c) 132million year  d) 140million year
2.      What is the purpose of flower petals?
a)to attract pollinators  b)to disperse the seeds  c)to distribute pollen  d)all of these
3.      A pollen grain is a
a)seed  b)fruiting body  c)spore  d)male gametophyte
4.      A red flower with no aroma is probably pollinated by
a)mice  b)bees  c)birds  d)the wind
5.      In order to disperse seeds, flowering plants evolved the
a)fruit  b)spore  c)cone  d)endosperm
6.      A plant that flowers in its second year of growth and then dies is
a)a annual  b)a perennial  c)a biennial  d)a semi-annual
7.      Which of the following flowering arrangements promotes self pollination
a)monocious  b)diocious  c)dichogamous  d)none
8.      If a flower is to be pollinated by moths, it should be
a)red  b)yellow  c)purple  d)orange
9.      Angiosperm fossil pollen appears clearly in the early part of the___period.
a)cretaceous  b)Triassic  c)Jurassic  d)Permian
10.  A trend in floral evolution is
a)radial system  b)bilateral symmetry  c)asymmetry  d)lateral symmetry
11.  Which of the following is not characteristic of primitive flower?
a)flowering parts are numerous 
b)petals and sepals are similar
c)flowers are arranged in definite whorls
d)spirally arranged carpels
12.  Which of the following is not part of the innermost whorl of the flower?
a)stamens  b)style  c)stigma  d)ovary
13.  Pollen grain on the stigma of a flower reach the egg by forming a
a)cotyledon  b)pollen tube  c)carpel  d)seed
14.  A typical pollen grain of a seed plant might contain
a)male and female gametophyte
b)a microspore mother cell
c)a generative cell and a tube cell
d)a megaspore and two sperm cells
15.  The structure called a fruit in flowering plants typically originates as a an
a)cone  b)ovary  c)ovule  d)strobilus
16.  Which of the following combination is thought to illustrate the primitive condition in flowering plants?
a)flower regular, complete and perfect
b)carpels inferior and fused
c)petals separate, with bilateral symmetry
d)floral parts arranged in spirals, with few fused stamens
17.  A chemical used by plants to defend their flowers has been detected in fossil plants.
a)Cytokinin  b)oleanane  c) a&b  d)none
18.  Change in the size of flower with increase in the number of flower belongs to family
a)astraceae  b)malvaceae  c)brassicaceae  d)solanaceae
19.  Magnolia plant is a
a)monocot  b)dicot  c)eudicot  d)none
20.  Importance of day length in flowering of plants was first shown in
a)petunia  b)letting  c)cotton  d)tobacco
21.  Foliar theory of carpel was proposed by
a)Takhtjan  b)Goethe  c)Cronquist  d)Thorne
22.  Aggregate fruit develop from several separate carpels of a single flower
a)pine-apple  b)blackberry  c)banana  d)water-melon
23.  origin of angiosperm known as “abominable mystery”
a)Lamark  b)Mendel  c)Charles Darwin  d)none
24.  in 2nd line of evolution of angiosperm changes is observed from hypogynous to apigynous through prigynous in family
a)capparidaceae  b)ranunculaceae  c)poaceae  d)rosaceae
25.  problems that face a phylogenetics during the study of angiosperm
a)incomplete and inadequate fossil records
b)prevalence of convergent records
c)both a&b


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