Monday 26 January 2015

Lines of angiosperms evolution

                Lines of angiosperms evolution
v  Angiosperms appeared----------- years ago.
A)   130 million B) 200 million C) 100 million D) 150 million
v  The most closely related plants to angiosperms are----------.
A)   Aquatic plants B) seed plants C) seed ferns D) desert plants
v  Xylem of Some gametophytes is--------to xylem found in angiosperms.
A)   Different  B) similar C) both a and b D) non of these
v  Seed bearing cupules evolved into the-------- of flowers.
A)   Leafs B) petals C) carpals D) petioles
v  Approximately---------of angiosperm species are classified as either monocotyledonous.
A)   50% B)  70% C) 97% D) 100%
v  The early angiosperms were------- to drought and cold.
A)   Extinct B) destroy C) well adapted D) non of these
v  Adaptation that conferred resistance including-------.
A)   Strong stem B) strong leaves C) strong petioles D) all of these
v  Harris demonstrated the occurrence of bisaccate pollen in micropyles and--------
A)   Pollen chamber B) stigma C) ovary D) both a and b
v  The origin and dirversity of flowering plants can easily understood by studying their-------
A)   Life cycle B) stem structure C) fossil history D) all of these
v  The -------- plants generally accepted to be angiospermous are known from the early cretaceous epoch.
A)   Oldest B) earliest C) extinct D) damaged
v  A very few angiosperms------ and------ are found in layers dating to the early aptian age.
A)   Stem, roots B)   leaves, stem C) leaves, flowers D) flowers, stem

v  The earliest fossils of angiosperms are most similar to------- or small herbaceous plants.
A)   Trees B) large bushes C) small bushes D) both a and b
v  Some of the oldest and most divers angiosperms floras are found in---------
A)   South Asia  B) north America C) Africa D) Australia
v  The most conspicuous feature of angiosperm is----------.
A)   Leaves B) stems C) roots D) flowers
v  The seed ferns are a group of extinct seed plants that-------- the small trees and bushes with fern like foliage.
A)   Different B) resemble C) connect D) non of these
v  The most common agent of pollen transfer is----------.
A)   Wind B) water flow C) migration D) all of these
v  The pollen evidence suggest that the Gnetales a modern group of -------- closely related to angiosperms.
A)   Pteridophyta B) bryophytes C) gymnosperms D)  algae
v  The early lines of angiosperm evolution in which the wind may have functioned in-------.
A)   Separation B) pollination C) both a and b D) non of these
v  ------------- main lines of angiosperm evolution.
A)   2      B)       C)   5       D) 10
v  In the first line hypogenous remain--------.
A)   Changed B) unchanged C) extinct D) non of these
v  The third line shows a few --------- in mono&dicot.
A)   Differences B) resemblances C) may a or may b  D)  non of these
v  According to the Hillier angiosperms originated in the---------.
A)   Newzeland B) South Africa C) America D) south Asia
v  According to------- origin of angiosperm known as abominable mystery.
A)   Whitaker B) Charles Darvin C)   Takhtjan D) non of these
v  The things without definite evidences which could help in tracking probable--------.
A)   Algae B) plants C) ancestors D) pteridophytes
v  The family--------found in the first line of angiosperm evolution.
A)   Ranunculaceae B) Rosase C) Molvaceae D) non of these  



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