Thursday 22 January 2015

Mcqs on Angiosperms

Red option are right one

·         Angiosperms is evolved from ---------word.
1.        Latin          2.  Greek            3.  French
·         Angeion meaning-----------.
    1. Case        2.  Seed        3.  Locule
·         Sperm meaning-------------.
        1. Flower      2.   Seed        3. Coat
·         Early gymnosperms and angiosperms were---------- pollinated.
1.       Water     2.  Wind      3.  Rain
·         Angiosperms evolved in --------------period.
1.       Devonian period   2.  Mediterranian         3.  crustaceous
·         Angiosperms protect their seed in an ovary called----------.
1.       Pericarp        2.  fruit            3. seed
·         Angiosperms evolved about ---------------million years ago.
1.       100       2.  125-100              3. 100-90
·         Angiosperms are --------------plants.
1.       Seed producing        2.  flowering   3.  spermatophytes
·         Flowers have array of colours’shapes and smells to attract ------------.
1.       Humans      2. pollinators     3. insects
·         The angiosperms egg is fertilized and formed into a------------------.
1.       Pericarp           2. seed          3.  fruit
·         It is considered that Angiosperms are co-evolved with -----------.
1.       Insects          2.  animals           3. plants 
·         Angiosperms are --------------evolved from gymnosperms.
1.       Parallely        2.  Laterally           3.  transversely
·         A specie and its descendants are known as ----------.
1.       History           2. phyly           3.  clade
·         The most primitive living angiosperms is considered to be-----------.
                        1. Vaccinaria              2. salmonella            3.  Amborella tichopods
·         A.trichopoda is small plant native to --------.
                         1. New Caledonia            2.  America            3.  France
·         Angiosperms produced gametes in -------------organs.
1.       Separate           2. fused        3.  female
·         Flowering plants are the most diverse phylum on earth after----------.
1.       Arthropods           2.  insects                 3.  animals
·         The relationship of pollinators and flowers is one of  the best example of------------.
1.       Friendship                  2. co-evolution             3.  none
·         Complex reproductive part of angiosperms is-------------.
1.       Seed                   2. fruit               3.  flower
·         Angiosperms contain ---------------.
1.       Fertilization           2. double fertilization              3.  none
·         Phloem of angiosperm contain ----------and -----------.
1.       Sieve elements           2. tuberous cells        3. companion cells      4.  both a&c
·         Principles of angiosperms phylogeny is known as ------------.
1.       Dicta                2.  phyly                   3.  dictum
·         Angiosperms include ------------classes
1.       2        2.  6         3.  4           4.  7
·         Angiosperms develop from ---------------with sclariform pitting.
1.       Vessels                        2. trachieds                        3.  eudicot 
·         Magnolia plant of cycadaceae family is-----------.
1.       Eudicot                        2. monocot                      3. dicot

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