Thursday 22 January 2015

Identification of some plant families according to their characteristics

bold option are correct
Identification of some plant families according to their characteristics

1: How many plants in the list given below have composite fruits that develop from an inflorescence?                               Walnut, poppy, radish, fig, pineapple, apple, tomato,mulberry.
a)      2                     b) 3
b)      4                      d) 5
2: Cymose inflorescence is present in
A)     Trifolium         b) brassica
B)      Solanum          d) sesbania
3: Which family possesses adventitious  fibrous roots?
a)      Graminaceae       b) Laminaceae
b)      Asteraceae           d) none
4: Caryopsis type fruit is characteristic of the plant family?
a)      Graminacea      b) Lamiaceae
b)      Labiatae            d) Cuccurbiataceae
5: The family Laminicaceae  contains  ______type of fruit?
a)      Schizocarpous    b) caryopsis
b)      Fleshy                   d) None
6: Corolla are absent in _________family/families of plants?
a)      Euphorbiaceae           b) Labiatae
b)      Asteraceae                  d) All
7: The famous plant family brassicaceae contains_______ type of fruit?
a)      Siliqua                         b) silicle
b)      Legume                      d) none
8:  The plant family solanaceae contains _________ type of fruit?
a)      Siliqua                         b) silicle
b)      Succculentry berries                    d) none
9: Which family/ families have verticillaster type inflorescence?
a)      Brassicaceae                b) labiatae
   c) Both above                   d) none
10: The family Liliacae has__________ type of roots?
a)      Tap                               b) adventitious
b)      Contractile                  d) none
11: The flower having following characteristics Bracteate, zygomorphic, bisexual ,hypogynous, bracteolate is of_________ family?
    a) Graminaeae                  b) Asteraceae
    c) Liliaceae                         d) None
12: Erect, branched, herbaceous above and woody belower stem is chacteristics of_______ family/families?
    a) Brassicaceae                 b) Euphorbiaceae
    c) Libiatae                          d) Both b & c
13: Corolla are absent in which family/familes of plants?
      a)    Euphorbiaceae       b) Brassicaceae
      c)   Both above                 d) None
14:  Capsulic berry like frut is characteristics of _______plant family?
      a) Liliaceae                  b) Euphorbiaceae
      c) Brassicaceae          d) none
15: A simple petiolate leaf with reticulate venation serrate margin alternative pattern may be of________ family?
a)      Euphorbiaceae      b) Liliaceae
    c) Graminaceae             d) none
16: The inflorescence consisting of 2 types of flowers i.e ray florets and disc florets is of ________familiy?
    a) Brassicaceae              b) cuccurebitaceae 
    c) rosaceae                     d) asteraceae
17: Which option is correct about leave of the family Solanaceae?
a)      Alternate, stipulate, multicostate,palmate          b) compound, alternate, reticulate serrate
b)      Alternate, simple, simple, reticulate venation, ex-stipulate & entire  d) none
18:  The family economically more important is?
      a) Solanaceae             b) Brassicaceae   c) Libiatae   d) asteraceae
19: The fruits having the following characteristics, loculicidal capsules, schizocarps or nuts belong to which_______ family?
a)      Malvaceae          b) libiatae            c) asteraceae     d) Brassicaceae
20: Follicle and achene fruit is characteristic of________ family?
a)      Solanaceae        b) malvaceae     c) asteracea        d) Ranunculaceae
21: Which statement is correct regarding sepals of family?
a)      Sepals are free, 4 to 5 in number and colorful appearing as petals            b) sepals are united 4,5 in number and colorful looking like petals    c) sepals are  2, companulate, walvet aestivation              d) none
22: Which option is correct regarding the family Graminaceae,s stem?
          a) erect, cylindrical, fistular, jointed             b) erect,hairy,branched,ridged
          b) Fleshy, smooth, non-cylindrical herbaceous         d) None
23: The family euphorbiaceae consists of?
       a) 283 genera, 5100 species  b) 209 genera, 4100 species
       c) 280 genera, 7300 species  d) 283 genera, 7300 species
24: The family rosaceae contains _____ type of leaf?
a)      Alternative, simple, pinnate ,stipulate              b)compound, serrate exstipulate    c) Palmate, simple, acicular                                                     d) none             
25: Which option is correct regarding to inflorescence of family rosaceae?
      a) corymb, corymbose racemose          b) perianth , cymose c) glossary type

      d) None   

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