Thursday 22 January 2015

Factors of speciation

                        Bold options are right one        

     Factors of speciation
               What is/are factor of speciation out of these…..
                (a)mutuation (b) natural selection (c) varation (d) all of these
          Which of the following produce evolutionary change?
(a)  directional selection       (b) genetic drift     (c)  gene flow    (d)  all of these

Genetic drift is most powerful in
(a)  stable environments  (b)   small populations  (C)   large populations 
 (d)  changing environment
The most prevalent form of evolution, and the one proposed by Darwin, is (a) macroevolution   (b) gradualism (c) saltation (d) punctuated equilibrium
A type of speciation that allows for the production of hybrids between two species is
(a) allopatric speciation   (b) sympatric  (c) parapatric speciation  (d) bottleneck

Genetic drift is
(a)    generational fluctuations in gene frequencies that produce no effect
(b)    the effect of mutations as they spread through neighbouring populations
(c)    changes due to interbreeding with other species populations
(d)    random changes in gene frequency in a population
Gene flow is
(a)   the migration of species populations to new areas
(b)   the movement of genes between species populations
(c)   the exchange of genes during fertilization
(d)   mating between close relatives
Natural selection operates on the _______ of an individual organism.
(a)   environment
(b)       genotype
(c)       phenotype
(d)       survival
Speciation because of geographical isolation is known as
(a)   parapatric speciation
(b)       anagenesis
(c)       allopatric speciation
(d)       cladogenesis
                     Factors of speciation
A species may be reproductively isolated through which of the following causes?
(a)   anatomy
(b)       ecology
(c)       behavior
(d)       all the above
if the habitable depth of lakes is altered as a result of pollution or the lowering of water levels rates of species formation will be…..
(a)     increase  (b) decrease    (c) normal     (d) none of these
New species form when individuals with certain characteristics have a greater survival or reproductive rate than other individuals in a population and pass on these inheritable genetic characteristics to their offspring this is comes under
(a) natural selection (b) directional selection  (c) both of these  (d) none of these

reproductive isolation by pre-zygotic mechanism include
(a)hybrid inviability    (b) seed inviability  (c) mechanical isolation (d)  None of these
reproductive isolation by post-zygotic mechanism include
(a)hybrid inviability    (b) seed inviability  (c) F1 hybrid inviability(d)  All of these
Mechanism of reproductive isolation in which two species are inter fertile but have different pollinater ins called ……..
(a)     mechanical iso lation   (b) ethological isolation (c)  ecological isolation  (d) none of these
Mechanism of reproductive isolation in which two species occupy the same general area but have different habitat is called ……..
(a)     mechanical iso lation   (b) ethological isolation (c)  ecological isolation  (d) none of these
Mechanism of reproductive isolation in which two species are separated by a gap larger than their pollen and seed dispersal is called ……..
(a)     mechanical isolation   (b) ethological isolation (c)  ecological isolation  (d) geographical isolation
Mechanism of reproductive isolation in which two species occupy the same general area but flowerd in different seasons is called ……..
(a)     mechanical isolation   (b) ethological isolation (c)  ecological isolation  (d) seasonal isolation

                           Factors of speciation
Mechanism of reproductive isolation in which two species occupy the same general area but flowerd in different seasons is called ……..
(a)     mechanical isolation   (b) ethological isolation (c)  ecological isolation  (d) temporal isolation
extrinsic reproductive isolating factor that cause speciation is________
(a)     mututation   (b)  mountains   (c)   rivers    (d)  both  b&c
Intrinsic reproductive isolating factor that cause speciation is _______
(a)     mututation   (b)  mountains   (c)   rivers    (d)  both  b&c
stasipatric speciation is caused by ______ factor
(a)     intrinsic    (b)    extrinsic  (c)  both    (d) none
sympatric speciation is caused by ______ factor
(a)     intrinsic    (b)    extrinsic  (c)  both    (d) none
which speciation is caused by extrinsic factor
(a)     sympatric    (b)   stasipatric  (c)    parapatric  (d)   all of these

which speciation is caused by intrinsic factor
(a)     sympatric    (b)   allopatric (c)    parapatric  (d)   all of these

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