Thursday 22 January 2015

Introduction of plant systematics and taxonomy

Topic       Introduction of plant systematics and taxonomy
1)       Systematic botany is a science of ……………
                        (a) Identifying    (b) naming    (c) classifying     (D) all
2)     Who many major activities of systematics…..
                        (A) 3         (b) 5          (c) 6        (d) 7
3)    Taxonomy is derived from …….
         (a)  Latin     (B) Greek          (c) English         (d) Urdu
4)     Word “taxis “mean……
(A)Arrangement         (b) rules            (c) both   (d) none
5)    Systematic is a study of phenotypic, genotypic and phylogenetic relationship among taxa. Who define it ………
     (a) sugden      (B)  Redford    (c) Heywood (d) none
6)    Systematics has points of view…
                 (a) 3      (b) 4      (C) 5        (d) 6
7)   Study of basic components of taxonomy and evolution is……….
       Fundamental  point of view     (B)structural points of view   (c) functional point of view   (d)none
8)    Functional point of view is for….
              (A)Evidence (b) evolution (c) both     (d) none
9)      Theoretical point of view is based upon….
             (A) Idea   (b) variability   (c ) both      (d) none
10)   To giving the single Latin scientific name for every plant……..
        objectives     (b) goal     (c)aims      (d) all
11)  To acquire  fundamental value of plant systematics….
        Aims         (B)goal        (c) both     (d) none
12)   To know how to plant are describe….
       Objectives     (B) Aims      (c) goal     (d)none
13)     Major phases are of plant systematics are….
            (b) 5          (c) 7     (d) 6
14)  Cytogenetic phase are known as……
       Alpha       (b) omega     (C) experimental    (d) none
15Alpha phase is also called as…….
(A) Pre-evolutionary         (b) cytogenetic      (c) phylogenetic    (d) none
16)   Study and shearing the chemical character are including in….
       cytogenetic phase    (B)encyclopedic phase    (c) both    (d) none
17)  Which base on external characters of plant…..
(a) Pre-evolutionary phase    (b) phylogenetic phase    (C) Both   (d) none
18)   Arrangement of plants according to rules known as….
       Systematics    (B)taxonomy      (c) both   (c) none
19)  Taxonomy as part of systematic. Who said….
       Heywood and ross       (b)   sugden       (c) Redford         (d) all
20)   Study of variation among the taxa………
       Functional       (B) developmental     (c) both    ( d) none
21)     Which determines the position and rank for new taxa……
(a) Observer     (b) classifier      (c) analyzer (d) none
22)  Character which is used in description, delineation or identification is called……
(a)Diagnostic character      (b) synthetic characters     (c) both      (d) none

23)     Characters which are constant in nature and define a group are called………
                (a) Diagnostic         (b) qualitative       (C) Synthetic     (d) none
24)    Species are grouped together into inclusive group…
              (a)Species    (b) kingdom     (c) order   (D) Genus
  25)        Species and genus are included in……..
         (a)    Major categories     (B) Minor categories       (c) both      (d) none

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