Monday 9 February 2015

Plant Family Amaryllidaceae

Amaryllidaceae Description
Distribution A family of over 80 genera and 1000 species. Represented in Pakistan by 3 wild genera and 4 species. Besides these many other species are cultivated in Pakistan for their attractive flowers.
Detailed Description
Plants with bulbs, corms or rhizomes. Leaves radical or cauline; linear to lanceolate. Flowers on a scape or on the main stem in clusters o

r sometimes solitary, hermaphrodite, rarely unisexual, regular or zygomorphic. Perianth of 6 tepals, free or slightly united at the base. Stamens 6, occasionally staminodal, sometimes with extensions forming a corona. Carpels 3, united, inferior. Placentation axile. Fruit capsular with loculicidal dehiscence. Seeds few to many.
Identification key of Amaryllidaceae
.Leaves radical and cauline. Flowers on a leafy stem, light purple to deep-violet

1.Leaves all radical. Flowers on a short scape from the base. Flowers yellow
2.Leaves linear. All flowers hermaphrodite, ovary just below the tepals

2.Leaves lanceolate. Lower flowers on scape hermaphrodite, upper staminate. Ovary and tepals separated by a long stipe
Floral Diagram of AmaryllidaceaeFloral Diagram of Amaryllidaceae
Floral Formula of AmaryllidaceaeFloral Formula of Amaryllidaceae

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