Monday 2 February 2015

Key Stone Species

     Key Stone Species
1) A species that has a disproportionately large effect on its environment relative to its abundance
a) Endangered species b) distinct species c)threatened species d)keystone species
2) Keystone species are playing a critical role in maintaining the structure of an 
A) Environment b) ecosystem c) biosphere d) ecological community
3) A dramatically change occur in the environment due to
A) Dieing b) death of a specie c) preying d) all
4) keystone species was a small part of the ecosystem by measures of
A) Biomass b) production c) biome d) none
5) The example of a keystone species
A) Cat b) crow c) jaguar d) all
6) The concept of the keystone species was introduced in
A) 1970 b) 1969 c) 1975 d) 1980
7) The concept of the keystone species was proposed by
A) Robert T. Paine b) shaledon & shewan c) carlineous d) darwin
8) Robert T. Paine was a professor of 
A) Botany b) chemistry c) zoology d) geography
9) Robert T. Paine was a professor at the university of
A) Austrelia b) swedon c) Agriculture d) Washington
10) the concept was develop to explain his observations and experiments on the relationship between intertidal invertebrates by
A) shaledon & shewan b) carlineous c) Robert T. Paine d) Darwin
11) Robert T. Paine use his concept of keystone species in his paper of----------
A) 1966 b) 1996 c)1969 d)1970
12) Food Web Complexity and Species Diversity was the paper of
A) Robert T. Paine b) shaledon & shewan c) carlineous d) Darwin
13) Paine describe his system in the……state
A) America b) china c) Washington d) none
14) Pisaster ochraceus is specie of
A) Electric fish b) band fish c) anemone fish d) star fish
15) There are--------- types of keystone species
A) 3 b) 5 c) 1 d) 2
16) sea otters protect kelp forests from damage by
A) shark b) star fish c) dog fish d) sea urchin

17) Kelp "roots", called holdfasts
A) Rhiozoid b) adventitious c) holdfasts d) none

18) whose numbers in Central and South America have been classified as Near Threatened
A) Dolphin b) black cat c) Indian tiger d) jaguar

19) Predators, mutualists and engineer are the type’s of_______.
A) Endangered species b) keystone species c) both d) none

20) Keystone species also known as
A) Endangered species b) threatened species c) cornerstone species   d) none

21) The number of species in a community is referred to as the
A) Keystone species b) species diversity c) species richness d) none

22) The keystone species are those which exhibit
A) Low abundance, little influence b) High abundance, little influence c) Low abundance, high influence d) High abundance, high influence

23) The mycorrhizae present in association with higher plant roots are best described as
A) Keystone species b) Edge species c) Critical link species d) all

24) _____  A species upon which the entire ecosystem depends
A) Individual species b) keystone species c) both d) none

25) In an ecotone, the specie which becomes abundant are called…..
A) keystone species b) edge species c) endemic species d) foster species

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