Monday 2 February 2015

Evolution of bryophytes

MCQs (Evolution of bryophytes)

1.      Which one of the following is not common between Funaria and Selaginella?
                   a) archegonium              b) embryo               c) flagellate sperms               d) roots
2.      Pteridophytes differ from mosses/bryophytes in possessing
                   a) independent gametophyte                b) well developed vascular system
                   c) archegonia                                            d) flagellate spermatozoids.
3.      Multicellular branched rhizoids and leafy gametophytes are the characteristics of
                    a) some bryophytes          b) Ptredophytes     c) all bryophyte          d) gymnosperms.
4.      Bryophytes can be separated from algae, because they
                      a) possess archegonia                          b) contain chloroplast
                      c) are thalloid forms                              d) have no conducting tissue.
5.      Which of the following is true about bryophytes?
                      a) they are thalloid                        b) they posses archegonia        
                      c) they contain chloroplast            d) all of these.
6.      In a moss, the sporophyte
                      a) manufactures food for itself, as well as for the gametophyte
                      b) is partially parasitic on the gametophyte
                      c) produces gametes that give rise to the gametophyte
                      d) arises from a spore produced from the gametophyte
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7.      The length of bryophytes plants is about
                      a)           2-5 cm                  b) 0.8- 2 inches      c) 2-5 inches          d) both a & b
8.      Fossils record of bryophytes
                      a)           Poor          b) rich        c) moderate      d) none of these
9.      The first evidence marking the emergence of bryophytes appears in rocks collected from
                      a)           China        b) Sri lanka         c) Argentina              d) Australia        
10.  The genera of bryophytes exist in the universe are
                      a)           950           b) 900      c) 960     c) 975
11.  There are about ………….. Species of bryophytes
                      a)           20,000          b) 24,000        c) 21,000        d) 25,000
12.  Which type of plants also called amphibians?
                      a)           Ptredophytes              b) bryophytes         c) phenarogams     d) none of these
13.  There are ……… views about the origin of gametophyte of bryophytes?
                      a)           Three             b) four            c) two       d) one
14.  Sporophyte origin is the direct modification of gametophytes.
                      a)           Homologous theory          b) antithetic theory 
                     c) Modification theory            d) both a & c
15.  The sexual reproduction in bryophytes is
                      a)           Isogamous         b) oogamous       c) anisogamous       d) all of these 
16.  The algae which closely resemble with bryophytes?
a)      Chlorophylls                b) xanthophyll             c)both a & b   d)none
17.   The jacket layer surrounds the sex organs in bryophytes is?
a) Fertile                      b)sterile                      c) both a & b   d) none
18.  Reversionary archegonia in bryophytes develop from?
            a) Fertile                      b) sterile cell of jacket           c) other cells   d) none of these
19.  The………theories about origin of sporophyte in bryophytes:
a) 03                            b) 04                            c)02                 d) 01
20.  The origin of bryophytes from Ptredophytes involves?
a) Reduction                b) complication           c) simplification          d) both a & b
21.  how was the first advocate of origin of bryophytes from Ptredophytes:
a) Whittaker                b) Haskell                    c) Scott                       d) keycap
22.  Which character of coleocheate supports the origin bryophytes from algae?
a) Similarity in sex organs  b) presence of chlorophyll c) pragmoplast formation  d) All
23.  which character strange then the comp of bryophyte origin from Ptredophytes:
a) Similarity in pigments b) cell wall structure c) food reserves & reproductive d) all
24.  According to Haskell bryophytes evolve from Ptredophytes by simplification of?
a) psilophytes                        b) clamophytes           c) lepidophytes           d) none
25.  Group of bryophytes evolved from equisetales?

a) Hornworts               b) liverworts               c) mosses                    d) none

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