Sunday 8 February 2015

Plant Family Alliaceae

Alliaceae DescriptionDistribution A family of 30 genera and about 700 species. Represented in Pakistan by one genus, Allium. Most workers include the family Alliaceae in Liliaceae or some in Amaryllidaceae but it is better placed separately.
Deatiled description
Perennial bulbous herbs with or without a rhizome. Scapigerous. Leaves mostly radical, cylindrical, semicylindrical, filiform to lanceolate or oval, fistular or not fistular; leaf bases sheathing. Inflorescence a cymose umbel, enclosed in a spathe when young. Tepals 6, in 2 whorls, 1-7-nerved, free or connate. Stamens 6, free or connate. Ovary superior, trilocular. Fruit capsular, dehiscence loculicidal. Seeds compressed to subglobose.
Florail Diagram of AlliaceaeFlorail Diagram of Alliaceae
Floral formula of AlliaceaeP3+3 A3+3] G(3) 

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