Asclepiadaceae Plant Family Description
This family have 280 genera and near about 1800 species.
This family is dominant in tropical regions mainly in south and central America. It is also well represented in PAKISTAN. Most common species is Calatropis procera and Crptostegia grandiflora is cultivated in gardens.
Mostly members are herbaceous.
They have tap root.
They have simple leaves which are ex-stipulate. some are fleshy covered with wax. They have opposite arrangement.Stem
They have herbaceous stem. Hoya have fleshy stem.Inflorescence
They have two type of inflorescence.1. Cymose 2. Racemose
Mainly cymose inflorescence is founded.
Mostly flowers are Pentamerous and bi-sexual.They have succulent flowers. Their symmetry is mostly Actinomorphic. Zygomorphic is very rear. Flowers have bracts.Calyx
They have 5 sepals,poly-sepalous and inferiorCorolla
5 petals which are fused and form a short tubes.
simple. Have 5 appendages which are attached to Staminal tube.Androecium
Have 5 stamens. Anthers are united and form a blunt cone. This cone is attached to the head of stigma.Gynoecium
Mostly bicarpellary. Styles are united and form Swollen stigma heads. Ovary is mostly Superior.Fruit
Mostly with 2 Follicles and some time only single follicle.Seed
Seed is usually small and have long hairs. The purpose of long hairs is for dispersal.IMPORTANT GENERA
- Asclepias curasssavica
- Oxystelma esculentum
- Calotropis gigantea
- Stapelia variegata
- Hoya longifolia
- Daemia extensa
calotropis procera diagram |
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