Sunday 21 December 2014

Types of Stele (Mcqs on Stele in plants)

 Topic: conducting system in plant (stele)

Note.. Mcqs on Stele... Bold options ARE correct.
1.    The concept of stele theory was purposed by…
(a)  Sachs         (b) van teighan          (c) douliot        (d) none
2.    Stele is a Greek word which means…..
(a)  Pillar             (b) column          (c) support        (d) both a & b
3.    How many major types of stele are…..?
(a)  2         (b) 4             (c) 6          (d) 8
4.    Steles are classified on the bases of……
(a)  Phloem shape        (b) xylem shape      (c) leaf gap     (d) both b & c
5.    Protosteles are classified on the base of………
(a)  Phloem shape        (b) xylem shape      (c) leaf gap     (d) both b & c
6.    Xylem with solid cylinder having no pith is known as…..
(a)  Protosteles         (b) siphonostele        (c) eustele         (d) all
7.    The protosteles in which xylem is in the form of parallel plates is called….
(a)  Haplostele        (b) actinostele            (c) plectostele       (d) solenostele
8.    Which one has no leaf gap  in stem ….?
(a)  siphanostele        (b)protostele      (c)solenostele   (d) a & c
9.    The branches of xylem & phloem to leaf are called….
(a)  Leaf traces      (b) leaf gaps         (c) venation         (d) none
10. A siphonostele with one leaf gap having pith in center is called…
(b)  Atactostele          (b) solenostele      (c)eustele      (d) a & c
11. Siphon steles are classified on the bases of …….
(a)  Phloem shape        (b) xylem shape      (c) leaf gap     (d) both b & c
12. The star like stele with solid xylem is known as…..
(a)  Protosteles         (b) siphonostele        (c) eustele         (d) actinostele
13. The most primitive type of stele is…
(a)  Protosteles         (b) atactostele       (c) eustele         (d) ectoploic
14. In monocots which type of stele is present…..
(a)   atactostele        (b) siphonostele        (c) eustele         (d) both a & c
15. The stele with one leaf gap, pith in center & xylem is bounded by phloem only on one side is called…
(b)  Haplostele    (b) ectoploic solenostele    (c) amphiphloic solenostele     (d) none
16. The stele in which no. of vascular bundle are scattered regularly in ground tissue is….
(a)  Eustele        (b) Siphonostele        (c)  Protosteles       (d) atactostele
17. The stele in which no. of vascular bundle are randomly scattered in ground tissue is….
(a)  Eustele        (b) Siphonostele        (c)  Protostele       (d) atactostele
18. The stele with one leaf gap, pith in center & xylem is bounded by phloem only on one side is called…
(a)  Haplostele      (b) ectoploic solenostele    (c) amphiphloic stele     (d) none
19. Eustele are found in …… plant stem.
     (a) Corn       (b) sunflower     (c) rose    (d) sugar can
20. Siphonostele types are common in……stems.
(a)  Fern          (b) mosses         (c) rice       (d) none
21. Two or more leaf gaps in a single cross section are called…
(a)  Solenostele      (b) Actinostele       (c) Dictyostele      (d) a & b
22. Atactostele are found in …… plant stem.
  (a) Corn       (b) sunflower     (c) rose    (d) sugar can
23. In which one both stem & root are protostelic…
(a)  Angiosperms     (b)  club mosses       (c) gymnosperms      (d) none
24. In dicots which type of stele is present…..
(a)  atactostele        (b) siphonostele        (c) eustele         (d) both a & c
25. The type of stele in which xylem is in the form of circular mass is called..
(a)  actinostele        (b) Haplostele            (c) plectostele       (d) polystelic

Thursday 18 December 2014

Description of flower (Mcqs on Flower technical terms)

                  Description of flower in technical terms
Note. Underline options are correct one.
 1: In complete flower there are following whorl
v 4 whorl are present
v  3 whorl are present
v  2 whorl are present
v  None of these
2: The disc like portion of flower is called
v Thalmus
v  Calyx
v  Corolla
v  None of these
    3: The stalk of the flower is called
v Pedicel
v  Peduncle
v  Petiole
v  All of these
4: When both calyx and corolla are present flower is called
v  Perfect
v  Imperfect
v Complete
v  Incomplete
5: The flower is called hermaphrodite or perfect when stamens and carpel are present on
v  Different plant
v Same plant
v  Both
v  None of these
6: The example of complete flower is
v Calatropis procera
v  Sun flower
v  Brassica
v  All of these
7: when sepals and petals are not differentiated term is use
v Parienth
v  Polypetlous
v  Polyseplous
v  Gamoseplous
8: The outermost whorl of flower is called
v  Corolla
v Calyx
v  Androecium
v  Gynoecium
9: which of the following contain female part?
v  corolla
v Pistle
v  Stigma
v  Calyx
  10: Which of the following are productive parts of flower?
v  Calyx
v  Corolla
v  Pedicel
v Androecium and gynoecium
  11: The whorl lying inner to calyx
v  Stamens
v  Stigma
v  Androecium
v Corolla
   12: Third whorl in flower is of
v  Petals
v  Sepals
v Androecium
v  Pistle
    13: A characteristic of angiosperm plant is
v  Root
v  Seed
v  Flower
v All of these
    14: In hypogynous condition ovary is
v  Inferior
v Superior
v  Equal
v  None
15: stamens are reproductive part of flower and collectively known as
v  Anthers
v Androecium
v  Gynoecium
v  Filament
16: Gynoecium is also called
v  Pistle
v  Carpel
v Both of these
v  None of these
17: Flower with either androecium or gynoecium is called
v Unisexual flower
v  Stigma
v  Anther
v  Bisexual flower
18: second whorl of flower is called
v  Calyx
v Corolla
v  Androecium
v  Gynoecium
19: when stamens are free and present singly term is used
v  Triandrous
v Monoandrous
v  Diandrous
v  None
20: when stamens are fused with petals term is used
v  Apiphylous
v Apipetlous
v  Gynandrous
v  None
21: when stamens are united by their filament but anthers are free called
v  Tetradynamous
v Adelphous
v  Apiphylous
v  Gynandrous
22: The arrangement of sepals and petals in floral bud is known as
v  Calyx
v  Corolla
v  Androecuium
v Aestivation
23: when marjon of sepals or petals just touch with each other aestivation is known as
v  Twisted
v Valvate
v  Imbricate
v  Vexillary
24: when sepals are free from each other term is used
v  Petaloid
v  Seploid
v Polyseplous
v  Gamoseplous
25: The whorl of petals is known as
v  Calyx
v Corolla
v  Androecium
v  Gynoecium